Hi, and welcome to The Semi-Serious View.

I’m Silvio Castelletti.

I like reading, observing people at airports or other places of transit, twirling my hair, watching Seinfeld, fantasizing about what’s behind a lighted window when walking at night, listening to Steely Dan, wondering where flying airplanes are headed, being alone and idle, hearing Frank Zappa talk, changing idea when facts change, and silence.

Also, I like to write.

THE SEMI-SERIOUS VIEW was featured on this edition of Substack Reads.

Every Wednesday I publish a piece about ideas or concepts or facts or people that I like to reflect on, with some personal stories, occasional humor, and a pinch of unsolicited, quasi-tangential stream of consciousness.

Nothing too serious or too frivolous. Maybe something will make you laugh, but there’s no guarantee of that happening.

Recently, I have started a new series called Unsent Letters. These are imaginary letters penned (though never dispatched) to individuals who have influenced my life, not always mirroring actual events. Some entries contain elements of autofiction, while others are based on reality. However, I won’t specify which is which. Unsent letters come out every other Wednesday.

Here are some of my better-received pieces for you to check out:

I’m also on Instagram, where I post my photos and stories quite actively.

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Personal stories and some autofiction.
