Sep 5Liked by Silvio Castelletti

You know Silvio, your writing hit a part of me where my soul is swimming. The remembering in uncertainty.

Congratulations on 💯

I have a suitcase with notebooks of dreams and beginnings of stories, it is time for me to unpack them after decades of being in transit.

Your stories inspire and add meaning to the notion of Poet Driver. I like that. Distracted yet focused on a far distant horizon that all will be OK.


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Thank you so much for these kind and beautiful words, Lisa. "Your writing hit a part of me where my soul is swimming" -- such an evocative imagery! It is definitely time for you to unpack that suitcase and delight us with your stories! Thank you again for sharing this.

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Sep 5Liked by Silvio Castelletti

As long as we take some important learnings from all life events, especially the 'not so great', and apply these to the present. Thanks for writing.

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Totally, Susan. Thank you!

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Sep 10Liked by Silvio Castelletti

Loved "Life feels like a slowly sinking boat with too many leaks; impossible to patch them all"--so dang true. Congrats on #100, heres to 100 more!

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Thank you, Will! Glad to see that line resonated. It's such an ever-present, lurking-in-the-background feeling.

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Sep 9Liked by Silvio Castelletti

Silvio, also here, congrats on the 100th piece! Such a feat. And this story about nothing and everything is so fitting, enjoyable and beautifully written as always. On to the next 1,000!

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Thank you so much, Oscar! :)

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Happy 100 Silvio!

The dream sequence feels more mysterious because of the visceral throat feeling - it must be real! And yet, there you are before yourself. A time lapse? A conjecture? Beautifully done.

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Thank you, Kate! "And yet, there you are before yourself." -- I'm glad you noticed that. Then again, I had no doubt you would. :)

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Sep 7Liked by Silvio Castelletti

You’re a magician Silvio! A master of our reality with a supernatural sleight of hand. I love how you ponder memory, its fickleness and uncertainty, and oh how hindsight makes everything relax and finally fall into place! I hope that your writing of this now lives in your memory with celebratory permanent ink (maybe a glitter pen?) and inspires a 100 more.:)

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Thank you so much, Kimberly! You're too kind. As a kid, I wanted to be a magician — it was my greatest aspiration. Also, for some reason, 'magician' is a word I haven't seen written or spoken in ages. And now you're mentioning it here. Isn't that magic? :)

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Sep 6Liked by Silvio Castelletti

I love this: “I should have been less preoccupied because, in the end, everything fell into place.”

Congratulations on #100! Keep going — I really enjoy your writing!

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Thank you so much, Rose! So glad you like reading me! And yes, I will (try) to keep it up. :)

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Sep 6Liked by Silvio Castelletti

I feel the invisible ink (B and C on the way to D) 🖋️ congrats on 100!

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Thank you so much, Van! :)

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Sep 5Liked by Silvio Castelletti

Some things will never make sense no matter how hard we try to give them a meaning. Such is life.

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Totally, Claudia. Thank you!

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You know that I have come to treasure each week when your newsletter plops into my inbox, and I gingerly tear open the envelope to discover what new adventure will greet me this day and interfere with my thoughts all week. Congratulations on 100!

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Thank you so much, Karena! So glad to have had you as a reader for the whole ride to 100. We are fans of each other!

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Sep 5Liked by Silvio Castelletti

"Although lived with intensity and awareness, they mysteriously vanish from the book of memories as if written in invisible ink, leaving blank pages behind"

Silvio, this is immersive storytelling. I loved reading it this morning before my walk in the woods. I'm obsessed with the idea that the Mind is a poet, always writing and revising a poem about its enfleshed experience. Memories are mysterious, and so often, not in our control. We are not the writer. We are not the page. What are we?!?

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Thank you, Ann! What are we? Beautiful question. There’s a space at the intersection of reality and memory and dream, a space that is different for each of us, I think. And right there, in that space, lies our essence. The catch, though, is that it’s difficult to reach and acknowledge. Thank you for sharing these thoughtful words.

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Sep 6Liked by Silvio Castelletti

“And right there, in that space, lies our essence.” That’s beautifully expressed, Silvio. Thank you.

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Sep 5Liked by Silvio Castelletti

I had to delay reading this (I usually enjoy your posts with my first coffee on a Thursday morning) because the washing machine has been misbehaving - again. The weather is still very warm and I have next to no idea of how to fix washing machines - however, it's now co operating under threat of a meeting with the sledge hammer - so by the time I left the laundry room frustration levels were through the roof! All this is a long way round of saying, thank you for once again delivering a beautiful piece of writing that has restored my equilibrium.

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Haha thank you, Remanon! And thank you for sharing that washing machine vignette!

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Sep 5Liked by Silvio Castelletti

Difficult for me not to just quote the whole piece, such is my delight.

The first half I deeply resonate with. I can relate to those feelings of A to D (or, how it feels at the moment, A to Z) but without recollection of all the steps in between.

The second half, the magical realism emerges and I find myself just grinning at the scene and how familiar such dreamscapes are.

Then the closing line solidifies the smile further: congrats on the magical 100th post!

Just wonderful, Silvio. Your words flow like quicksilver.

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Thank you so much, Nathan! I was running really late and unsure about what to write until the very end, but I had to, as this was my 100th post here, and I wanted to honor it by leaving a signpost. I'm always so glad my words resonate with you (in all their weirdness lol). You, my friend, are the most precious ex-post sounding board for me! And hearing that my words 'flow like quicksilver' fills me with joy. Thank you again!

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Sep 5Liked by Silvio Castelletti

The signpost was an excellent touch.

I meant to say, have we travelled in this car previously? It evoked a similar feeling from a previous story and I wondered if it was the same car/person in there, but I haven't checked yet because part of me really likes sitting in the feeling that maybe it is maybe it isn't. ;)

I hope things aren't too busy. It's been very busy for me and tonight is the first night I am sitting here on the sofa with a whisky and a book and just enjoying being slow and doing essentially nothing whilst my wife is on a zoom call haha.

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Thank you! Yes, we did travel in a similar car previously, heading South from Milano to my hometown with a young woman who had taken a writing course. Your memory is excellent! Glad you remembered and could connect the two scenes!

Glad you can take it easy. I hope to be back in your situation soon, although it might be a while. Oh well, I take it as it comes. Aren't we all? :)

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