I loved this. Imagination is indeed an under-utilised power. Thank you.

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Thank you so much. And yes, it definitely is. :)

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22 hrs agoLiked by Silvio Castelletti

Gorgeous Silvio!

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Thank you, Kristin!

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7 hrs agoLiked by Silvio Castelletti

This was wonderfully trippy. I love the conceit that some mysterious novelist is waiting in another dimension to write our stories.

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Thank you so much, Ben! Yes, that idea has been on my mind forever. What if there's a novel written about each of us somewhere?

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4 hrs agoLiked by Silvio Castelletti

Oh I think there is - isn’t that what The Akashic Records are?!

BTW, I loved this story - very fantastical and thought-provoking. Also, if you really were pressed for time when writing it… well, it doesn’t show!

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Thank you so much, Rose. No, I'm not familiar with those. Now I want to know more, though. Sometimes things just flow out of you when least think about them. :)

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20 hrs agoLiked by Silvio Castelletti

As wondrous and as surrealism-tiptoeing as always, Silvio. Magical work and a great premise.

I especially loved the continual stream of uninterrupted words from Clara.

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Thank you so much, Nathan! That bit of stream of consciousness without a period is something I’ve been wanting to experiment with for a while, in the style of Bolaño (though obviously light-years worse than his). I'm glad you liked this one; I was so pressed for time and put it together in a great rush. Honored to see you commenting, as always!

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A wonderful captivating story Silvio. Thank you

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Thank you so much, Tim!

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23 hrs agoLiked by Silvio Castelletti

Just wow. I loved that!

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Thank you, Carol!

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23 hrs agoLiked by Silvio Castelletti

Love it! Can’t wait for another chapter? ❤️

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Thank you so much! Who knows? Maybe.

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I’ll be looking 👀 🫶🏼

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