Lately you’re my source of wonder.

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A pleasure to hear that, Martino! :)

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Mine too Silvio!

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Jun 24Liked by Silvio Castelletti

You can’t keep readers hanging like this.

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This includes me! Also, it's a reminder that I have to come up with a continuation. :)

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...great letter bud...somewhere deep in my archives there exists a letter title "biggest conspiracy in usa" that floated to me and my bandmates some late night after playing the college film school auditorium...on it were tales of brainwashing, sexual blackmail, missing persons and paper corporations running coverups at amusement parks...we pretended to be detectives for a month going so far as to take trains to meet the author, and seeking every angle we could to find the folks at the despicable corporate paper office brainwashing people underground at an amusement park...unfortunately that case was never closed, but i still yearn to someday be a private dick (you know, instead of a public one)...a half burnt cigar and scotch on me bud...

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Thank you, CansaFis! And thank you for sharing that exhilarating detective story. One day you'll get to the bottom of it, I'm sure. Who knows when, though. :)

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Anna Gigli will be forever alive in my head now! It'd be unfair if you didn't give us more on this story!

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Thank you, Margarita! There will be more. I don't know when, or along which lines, but there will be more. :)

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Oh, detective work! Love that, Silvio. I like the idea of a clumsy or naive detective. It's bound to be a good story. I'm working with Brighton Rock to teach it in a few months and am interested in the Ida character who likewise takes on PI detective work herself, to seek justice and 'do the right thing.'

Always so immersive with well crafted diction!

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Thank you so much, Kate! Yes, when things just don't add up there's an inner force that keeps you going, hoping to get to the bottom of them. If there's a bottom at all! Wow, BR is a super classic: good luck with that! :)

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Thanks! It’s pretty dark, too; let’s see how it goes!

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I like the way you have them deduct that she doesn't exist, even the narrator is convinced only to be proven wrong, the mystery is palpable.

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Your comment is a confirmation of what I wanted to achieve. And reading it makes me happy, Alexander. Thank you, my friend!

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Jun 20Liked by Silvio Castelletti

Simply wonderful. There's nothing to add except for - Write More!!

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Thank you, Remanon, for your nice words and encouragement!

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Jun 20Liked by Silvio Castelletti

Another sublime piece, Silvio. So good! I'm pulled in, sucked along by the words, as though (and I know I no longer need to reinforce this, but I'm going to say it) I'm reading a Murakami novel. It elicits the same feelings inside.

Will there be more to this particular mystery? There doesn't need to be, of course, and you needn't answer.

I think I, too, will remember this verbatim: "...others are written on with invisible ink, and our aim is to make that ink turn visible."

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Thank you so much, Nathan! It's always so good to see one of your beautiful comments here. The comparison to Murakami fills me with joy, humility, and yes, anxiety! Who knows how long I will be able to keep this up so that a speck of dust of his style might be perceived in my writing by the most attentive readers. Thank you, my friend. Will there be more? I think so. Not that I have anything in mind yet, but I believe this letter deserves a follow-up. Also, thank you for highlighting those words. Aren't lives -- even the ones we think we know well -- a collection of blank spaces, after all? :)

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Jun 20Liked by Silvio Castelletti

I think (no, I *know*) that already there is a unique voice -- the Castelletti voice -- that blends with the Murakami stylings, and over time it will not be Murakami that I think of, but instead will say "this elicits the feeling of Castelletti". 😄

I would be happy for there to be a follow-up. Such a letter may take some time to arrive, but that is to be savoured.

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So kind, thank you! You know, this notion of the voice is the most important aspect of writing to me. Not content, not theories or innovative paradigms, but voice. I'm attracted to writing that is recognizable and distinctive. Something that, when read out loud to me by someone else, I can guess who it is by. Yours is like that. I am happy to have found a select number of writers on here whose voices I never get tired of hearing. My theory is that you can buy content and ideas, but you cannot buy a voice. That has to be developed without fear of what others may think.

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Jun 20·edited Jun 20Liked by Silvio Castelletti

I completely agree, Silvio. 100%.

And thank you. That means a lot to hear that.

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Jun 20Liked by Silvio Castelletti

So good!

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Thank you, Maria!

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Jun 19Liked by Silvio Castelletti

Very compelling!! Love it!

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Thank you, Rose!

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