What a gorgeous mediation, Silvio. The thoughts about the change in emotion at the gravesite or with photograph are poignant.

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Thank you, Kate! These thoughts are 100% real this time. But even if they weren't, their significance wouldn't be diminished. I'm glad you found them interesting and touching.

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In my tiny little humble opinion, this is what unsent letters and the stack is all about. There’s a purity without aggression or needing to have to delete or push aside advertisements, and just get to the very heart of semi serious views, like yours!

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Thank you, Jill! This is such a precious thought. Happy to see you here!

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Aug 31Liked by Silvio Castelletti

Silvio, thank you! This haunting essay captures the full spectrum of living. You allow us to see the joy and freedom coupled with the pain of loss. Wandering around the cemetery, unable to find the grave is such a metaphor for how we feel when we lose someone we love, especially as a child. Our ability to find our way shifts without our knowing. Lastly, the way you touched on handling grief is so poignant and true. Some folks lay flowers and visit regularly and others cannot. There is no right way to get through hard things.

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Thank you, Donna, for sharing this reflection, which I agree on. There is no right way to get through hard things: YES!

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Aug 28Liked by Silvio Castelletti

So pure and cutting in an impactful yet gentle way. I loved the line about snow being the same as man, I feel like it will stay with me for a while

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Thank you, Will! These are super kind words. So glad that phrase made you think.

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Aug 18Liked by Silvio Castelletti

Powerful piece Silvio. I love that you’re blending memoir and fiction through these letters, almost like rewriting history and creating new memories, perhaps where others have left you empty. I can’t recall if you read my memoir but I did a similar thing throughout with letters to a father I never met, and sometimes from the perspectives of younger selves. It was strangely fulfilling to access those voices and hear what she might say to him.

I need to go back and read more of yours… is there a good starting point?

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Thank you, Kimberly! "[...] perhaps where others have left you empty" -- exactly; I find this an accurate and effective characterization. I'm glad you liked this letter. And no, I haven't read your memoir. I wasn't actually aware of its existence -- I'm so behind on everything on here! But now I want to read it! "Letters to a father I never met" sounds so interesting and intriguing and so up my alley. Would I find it easily on your profile? (I ask because I sometimes have a hard time finding non-current pieces on people's profiles -- I know, I'm a bit clumsy lol).

In terms of my stuff, I'm not sure I can answer your question. To me, they're all the same! Having said that, here are a few links:






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Aug 19Liked by Silvio Castelletti

Thank you Silvio. I’m seeing now that your letters are numbered. Perhaps I’ll begin at #1!

As for my memoir, I hope it’s easy to navigate to… at least that was my intent. But here’s a link to the memoir table of contents. 🙂


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Thank you! As you can see, I'm not on here that often and I'm just now seeing your comments. Looking forward to dive in!

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Aug 15Liked by Silvio Castelletti

Silvio, I'm embarrassed to say that it's taken me this long to finally read one of your pieces. I'm so grateful to Nathan Slake for continuing to keep you on my radar so I did. This is beautiful piece of writing, so moving and contemplative. Subscribing now so I don't miss out anymore.

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Ben! Thank you so much for being here and reading. As a big fan of your writing (which I’m unfortunately always in perpetual catch-up mode on), this means a lot to me. I'm so glad you liked this piece and that you subscribed. Please don't feel embarrassed; things take the time they take (if at all). I’m happy to have you as a reader!

P.S. — As a fellow guitarist, it seems we have some things in common to share and discuss. :)

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Aug 15Liked by Silvio Castelletti

Thanks, Silvio! I look forward to connecting more in the future.

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Aug 15Liked by Silvio Castelletti

Achingly beautiful, Silvio. Just... beautiful.

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Thank you, Nathan! 'Achingly beautiful' are two words that open up a flood of meaning and conjure marvelous images. I really appreciate it!

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Aug 15Liked by Silvio Castelletti

Speechless beautiful

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Thank you, Cecilia!

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Aug 15Liked by Silvio Castelletti

It is a stirring of good memories of one's who have gone on. A piece of the loved ones are still with me still present with me in spirit, my mind, in my heart, in my being.

I am grateful 🙏.

Thank you

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Thank you, Tom, for reading and sharing a beautiful reflection.

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Aug 14Liked by Silvio Castelletti

The poignant beauty of childhood memories. I just learned of the death of an old childhood friend, and have been going over memories of those times we spent together —mostly of endless summertime days. Your piece resonated. Thank you for sharing it.

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Thank you, Alison! Sorry for your loss, and thank you for sharing your experience.

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Aug 14Liked by Silvio Castelletti

This was really touching. How beautiful to be remembered and still be sought after being gone for so long. Thank you for sharing this.

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Thank you, Maria! Glad you liked it.

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Aug 14Liked by Silvio Castelletti

So wonderfully poignant… 🥲

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Thank you, Rose!

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