Aug 29Liked by Silvio Castelletti

My oldest memory is of a yellow dress with a lady bug stitched in the chest pocket area. I was about 3 years old and my mother told me that I had outgrown the dress.

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What a nice imagery. Thank you for sharing this little vignette, Claudia! It's so nice; you should incorporate it in one of your stories.

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Sep 2Liked by Silvio Castelletti

Thank you! I'll keep it in the memories of my life ;).

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Aug 28Liked by Silvio Castelletti

"If someone came along now and offered this power to you, would you take it? I wouldn’t."

Same. I wouldn't want to ruin the surprise.

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Exactly. Thanks for reading, Ann!

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Aug 29Liked by Silvio Castelletti

I would sell my soul to the devil to be able to write like you. But then, I don't have to write like you. I have you...for my soul to read.

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Oh, I'm really humbled by your comment. Thank you so much! I'm just trying to put words together in a way that I like, without really worrying about whether anybody else likes them. But certainly, reading comments like yours makes me super happy!

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I love this genre that you have made your own, Silvio! It allows so much interaction between memories and wants and dreams. The real interlaced with the possible, dreams once unrealized suddenly made so.

As someone whose life work is preparing for the future, I liked this phrase: "If someone came along now and offered this power to you, would you take it? I wouldn’t." Therein lies the excitement of life!

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Thank you so much, Karena! Exactly, therein lies the excitement of life. I totally agree! And its mystery, because only when there's mystery does something become interesting and exciting. I really appreciate your comment!

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You capture this sentiment of time so well. These ponderings are inspiring! Philosophy jn the everyday.

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Thank you! Humbled to be an inspiration!

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Sep 1Liked by Silvio Castelletti

Silvio, your writing deepens in its mesmerizing power. It feels restful to read, almost like sleep or dreaming itself. On a side note, I had to go to your site to see what you have published after realizing that I’ve not seen your posts in my inbox for a while. I don’t know why I have been having this problem with Substack, where I am not getting notifications of some of my subscriptions. Can’t figure it out. I’ll try to keep coming back to your site periodically.

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Thank you so much, Rick! Those are super nice words. You know, I’ve heard this from a number of other people. Weird. I hope it gets fixed, as it’s so inconvenient to have to go to someone’s page to see if there’s anything to catch up on.

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Great as always. Love this: "Thinking without doing anything else is not considered work, even though it should be. After all, great changes have come from just freely thinking, not from moving levers or pressing buttons or running spreadsheets."

Some even say "writing" isn't working because "there's no money in it."

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Thank you so much, Alexander! It’s interesting how so many readers of this piece loved that phrase, which I almost wrote en passant (so to speak). I think it deserves a story of its own.

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As someone who has done more spreadsheets than is good for one's health, I concur.

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Aug 31Liked by Silvio Castelletti

Goosebump-ery wonderful!

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Thank you so much, Rose!

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"The life I was conducting didn’t leave me any time to think, or just be idle, which to me are essential prerequisites for writing" I feel this so hard! Also your piece as usual was beautiful, but I got kinda stuck on this sentence. Thank you for it!

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Thank YOU! Glad it resonates. :)

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Aug 29Liked by Silvio Castelletti

stunning…i can feel the depth and breath of the dream

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Thank you so much!

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Aug 29Liked by Silvio Castelletti

Wonderful, Silvio.

The tenporal connection with the ladybug was perfect, as was the underlying message of the piece.

Time travel scenarios generate some delightful concepts. If old you told younger you this, had this always happened? Would telling younger you specifics of your life only serve to ensure that those specifics transpired? Ahhh, I love this kind of thing.

Also, faaaavourite sentence. Cuttlefish are my spirit animal. One day I will get a cuttlefish tattoo.

"The darkness of the evening had already filled the room, as if a cuttlefish had sprayed its ink everywhere, the only light coming from the reading lamp pointing at the open book on my lap."

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Thank you so much, Nathan! "If older you told younger you this, had it always happened? Would telling younger you specifics of your life only serve to ensure that those specifics transpired?" -- These are the questions I love too; the ones that make mystery even more mysterious and pull you into a no-time, no-space continuum. I love cuttlefish too! I’d love to see you incorporate it into one of your pieces sooner or later. Thank you, my friend. Always so precious.

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Sep 2Liked by Silvio Castelletti


Once more you inspire me to think about a story that could be penned. If I can ever finish this final post of “And it was lost” (already late), then maybe a cuttlefish story will emerge afterwards. ;)

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Can't wait (for both: the final of AIWL, and the cuttlefish story)!

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Sep 5Liked by Silvio Castelletti

The wait is over for AIWL (though no hurry!!)

The cuttlefish is already wanting to scurry onto the page. ;)

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