My heart just exploded and I’m buried in two tons of red glitter. Thank you for this beautiful piece. (And for your Substack truths, which have me feeling less guilty.) And the orchitis! That made me guffaw.

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Thank you, Margaret, for reading and for sharing this precious vignette! As for the orchitis, I have no idea what it is exactly, but I remember my old jazz guitar teacher mentioning it a lot. As in: 'You're playing so badly it gives me orchitis!' :) I guess it's a skin condition, but I haven't looked it up.

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😂😂😂 oh, Silvio, this gets better and better. You MUST look it up. I’ll wait.

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Oh! Now I'm curious. Will do once I finish with all comments. Wait here, don't leave! lol

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OMG now I finally know what orchitis is! And I have to say that maybe I should have picked a different condition... 😂

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Sep 26Liked by Silvio Castelletti

I had to google that medical condition, and then I guffawed. ;)

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Me too! I thought it was a crazy auto”in”correct for otitis, especially since he was referring to hearing a word. I don’t know about your Google experience, but mine came with a full-color graphic. 😂 Highlight of my day. 😂 We didn’t get that far in my Pre-Med classes back in the day. I love when writing surprises me in so many ways.

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Haha, this is so funny! On my side, however, I had to look up 'guffaw', and I’m glad I did -- it sounds great! Thank you!

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Sep 26Liked by Silvio Castelletti

Hehe yep, quite the impressive array of anatomical images when I googled it. ;)

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Sep 25Liked by Silvio Castelletti

Love this letter! It made me reflect on my own long ago desire. You stated it perfectly-the reasons not to, and then, finally ,to dedicate time to write, not worrying about what flows from the end of the pencil. Thank you for this Silvio.

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Thank you, Julie! Yes, I guess it's all about letting go, in a way.

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Sep 25·edited Sep 25Liked by Silvio Castelletti

I once bought a book of Yeats poetry in a used bookshop. It contained an unsent love letter. I agree with you, Silvio, there is nothing more wonderful, tender, and tragic than an unsent letter. Thank you for yours.

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Thank you, Ann, for sharing that. There's probably no better place than in a used Yeats poetry book for an unsent letter. :)

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I thought so, too.

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Sep 26Liked by Silvio Castelletti

Every one of these is a piece of magic. It is a highlight of the week when one appears. 😊

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Too kind, Nathan. Thank you! This one -- like the last few, after all -- was put together in a rush. I'm glad it turned out to be something nice to read.

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Sep 26Liked by Silvio Castelletti

You seem to be perfectly capable of writing out wonderful pieces even under time pressure. 😁

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Sep 26·edited Sep 26Author

Thank you! I'm surprised myself, to be honest (that I can get them done, somehow, in a few hours). While it lasts, I'll take it! :)

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Sep 26Liked by Silvio Castelletti

Wonderful as always Silvio. And I appreciate you slipping in your views on writing courses and online writing and Substack.

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Thank you, Kostas! My humble point of view, of course.

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Sep 26Liked by Silvio Castelletti

Thank you. Is substack becoming a mine-field?? I think so. I need full time dedication to keep up with all the changes and options, let alone read all that I have subscribed to.

I also feels less guilty for not reading all - except yours, of course.

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Thank you, Susan! I’m honored to be among the ones you regularly read. And yes, it does get overwhelming on here.

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Sep 25Liked by Silvio Castelletti

This was wonderful Silvio.

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Thank you, Alex!

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Sep 26Liked by Silvio Castelletti

An absolute joy to read. The transition from truths about one's own voice (love the quote from Miles Davis) to the absolute truths about Substack overload, to bringing us full circle back to why we adore your writing so much: the moment when something that impinges on the surreal occurs.

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So grateful to be the recipient of these gems of comments from you every time, Nathan. I like that we share so much in terms of tastes and views. Thank you!

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Sep 26Liked by Silvio Castelletti

Me too, my friend. Me too.

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Sep 26Liked by Silvio Castelletti

I resonate so deeply with your context on finding one’s voice with writing. What a pleasure it has been to watch your’s emerge.

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Thank you so much, Rick! I can say the same about you, as we embarked on this journey together. Always nice to see you here, my friend.

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Sep 26Liked by Silvio Castelletti

Bravo Silvio!

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Thank you, Kimberly!

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Sep 25Liked by Silvio Castelletti

I struggle with that everything has already been said….how on Earth can I make a difference…is this self sabotage…don’t know, but you Silvio know how to strike a cord with things/situations that we all have experienced at some point in our life…good job

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Thank you for these nice words! Well, everything has already been said, and yet billions of words get written every day. It’s about the HOW, not the WHAT, in my opinion. :)

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